Los dos socios fundadores comenzaron sus carreras profesionales en empresas reconocidas internacionalmente, lo cual les permitió adquirir gran experiencia sobre cómo dar respuesta a las necesidades de las grandes organizaciones y las capacidades necesarias de un mundo globalizado e interconectado.
Luego continuaron trabajando para empresas PYME de origen nacional. Fue allí donde tomaron contacto con otra realidad diferente, la del empresariado local de pequeñas y medianas empresas.
Es así que la cultura de Kennedy Represas y Asociados tiene sus bases en esos orígenes combinando el orden y previsión de las grandes corporaciones con la agilidad y flexibilidad necesarias del contexto local.

The founders of our Company began their professional careers in internationally renown companies and in this way they could acquire broad experience on how to respond to the needs of large organizations and the capabilities required in a globalized and interconnected world
Then, they continued working for Argentine PYMEs (Small and Mid-sized companies), and thus they could experience a different reality: that of local small and mid-sized companies.
Over these basis Kennedy Represas y Asociados culture was born and therefore combines order and prevision of large companies with agility and flexibility necessary in our local reality.

Juan Alfonso Kennedy
Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration (UCA – Argentine Catholic University)
Chartered Accountant (UCA)
Graduate Certificate of European Business Studies (ESC Rouen - France)
Master in Business Administration (UCA)
Languages: English, French, German
Associate Professor of Administration I and II (UCA)
Labor Background:
In december 2018 he founded Roots EOR (Employer of record services) together with Horacio Represas
Head of Finance and Human Resources - Fripesa (Gastronomy / Real Estate Rental Industry)
Product Assistant / Marketing - Danone Argentina (Milk products / diary industry)

Horacio Marcelo Represas
Chartered Accountant (UCA – Argentine Catholic University)
Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration (UCA)
Bachelor´s Degree in Company Administration and Management (LADE - Spain)
Languages: English
Member of the Tax Committee of the Professional Association on Economic Sciences.
Labor Background:
In december 2018 he founded Roots EOR (Employer of record services) together with Juan Kennedy
Head of Accounting and Tax Departments - Fripesa (Gastronomy / Real Estate Rental Industry)
Senior Audit - Ernst & Young (Audit and Consulting)

Eliana Lorena López
Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration (UCA – Argentine Catholic University)
Chartered Accountant (UCA)
Languages: English
Assistant Professor of Administration I and II (UCA)

Marina Balbiani
Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration (UCA - Argentine Catholic University)
Chartered Accountant (UCA)
Certified Treasury Professional (Rice University – USA)
Languages: English, French
Labor Background:
Treasury Manager - L'Oréal Argentina (Cosmetics)
Executive at Accounting, Treasury and Procurement Departments - Make a wish Foundation (USA)
Senior Accountant - San Martin Suarez & Associates (Audit and Consulting)

Walter Beltrán
Chartered Accountant (UCES – University of Economic and Social Sciencies)

Ezequiel Kantarovsky
Business Administration student (UTN)
Languages: English

Angela Justina Cicchitti
Diploma in Public Accountancy
Languages: English level B1 University of Cambridge
Labor Background:
Post graduate course in taxes (currently attending)
Cereal and oilseed classifier expert

Daniela Montenegro
Public Accountant (UNLaM)
Labor Background:
Administrative and accounting coordinator - Mi Recuerdo S.R.L. and Carlos Monayer (agribusiness)
Labor, accounting and tax analyst - Estudio Morgado & Asoc.
Accounting assistant - Adox S.A.

Daniela Coral Vazquez
Graphic designer (UP)
UX/UI designer (Coder House)
Languages: English
Labor Background:
Sr. Graphic Designer Sanofi Laboratory

Florencia Saade
Public Accountant (UCU)
Labor Background:
Tax Manager at Davies Accounting Studio

Jesica Casanova
Public Accountant, University of Concepción del Uruguay (UCU)
Forensic Accountant: with experience in the social security field.
Diploma: Accountant's Clinical Practice, accredited by the Fundación para el Desarrollo Profesional.
Labor Background:
Solid training and experience in the fields of accounting, tax, and labor.
Forensic Accountant at the Provincial Court of Entre Ríos, covering civil and labor jurisdictions.
Forensic Accountant at the Federal Court, specializing in civil and social security law. This experience has allowed me to develop an in-depth understanding of the regulations and procedures in the social security field.

María Camila Inchauspe
Public Accountant, University of La Plata (UNLP)
Master in Taxation, University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
Labor Background:
Department of taxes in Estudio Integral Pressaco & Asociados, La Plata. (Mar 2018 - Dec 2018).
Accounting and Tax Department in Frigo ALP SA, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires. ( Dec 2018 - Dec 2020).
Accounting and Tax Department in Kennedy, Represas & Asociados in Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires. (Dec 2020 - Present).